'A beginning of an awesome day'



Not many people know what to do early in the morning when we wake up. What do you do? Do you follow a normal routine? Here are some tips on how you can start a cheerful, superb and not to forget: a fresh morning.

The first and the most important point- Lie down on the bed for 5 minutes after you wake up. This is to remove the discomfort of suddenly leaving the bed. While lying, think of a positive memory, a memory that brings smile to your lips.

Make sure that your room is full of sufficient sunlight. Sunlight is the best, natural way to wake you up. It is also worth-mentioning that the early sunrays are the best.

Avoid electronic gadgets specially phones or tablets early in the morning. Don’t touch your phone at least until breakfast.

Drink a nice cup of coffee, tea or milk (whatever you prefer). You can read a nice book while drinking your coffee or tea. You can even enjoy the nice breeze sitting in your balcony. This is a thing I prefer to do as dawn breaks.

Then do a bit of exercises maybe stretching or yoga and meditation. This not only develops your physical strength but also develops you mentally. Meditation helps you to get rid of all stress and tensions in your mind. It is the best stress removal exercise. You can also listen to some soothing music while exercising.

Eat a proper and healthy breakfast. We should avoid eating junk foods at least in the morning. Eat a little light food but make sure it is home-cooked.

Read a positive quote every day and try to implement it in your lives.

Clean your house. This is a very essential step for starting a good day. I always think if the house is clean you’ll also feel fresh.


Light a lamp or pray to God  before you leave for work or school asking him to keep an eye on you the entire day.

These are the some of the tips worth adopting. Try to follow these steps and you’ll notice in a few days that getting up in the morning is not as tiresome as it felt before.


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