Amazing and Unbelievable facts about Books
Hello Everyone ! I am back again with a new blog which will enhance your knowledge and I am sure you will surely be compelled to read it till the end. It is about some facts of books which I am sure very few know about. So don't just scroll down but make sure to read it thoroughly. I had read about these facts in TINKLE- TELL ME WHY (Books that shaped the World). Since the time, the first printing press was invented by Johannes Gutenberg some amazing books have been written. Here are a few of them. 1. A book written with an eyelid - Can you think of someone who has written a book by blinking his eyelid? Yes, and its Jean Dominique Bauby. He had a stroke that put him into a coma. He woke up after 20 days and only some movement in his head and eyes remained. Then, he started writing a book. An assistant would read out alphabets and Bauby would blink his left eyelid to show his choice. Every word took about 2,00,000 blinks. This book is 'The Diving Bell and the Butterfly' and...