
Showing posts from October, 2020

'A beginning of an awesome day'

                                                                    Not many people know what to do early in the morning when we wake up. What do you do? Do you follow a normal routine? Here are some tips on how you can start a cheerful , superb and not to forget: a fresh morning. The first and the most important point- Lie down on the bed for 5 minutes after you wake up . This is to remove the discomfort of suddenly leaving the bed. While lying, think of a positive memory, a memory that brings smile to your lips. Make sure that your room is full of sufficient sunlight . Sunlight is the best, natural way to wake you up. It is also worth-mentioning that the early sunrays are the best. Avoid electronic gadgets specially phones or tablets early in the morning. Don’t touch your phone at least until breakfast. Drink a nice cup of coffee, tea or milk (whatever you prefer). You can read a nice book while drinking your coffee or tea. You can even enjoy the nice breeze sitting in your balcon

Book Lover

  This is what I would call a perfect place for reading. A book in hand and a cup of coffee is all I need. From these lines anyone can tell that I am a reader. But no one can ever know what is behind my interest to read books. I started reading books a little late in my life. The book that first caught my attention and set the wheels spinning was INKHEART. Oh, the excitement of being a silver tongue equalled the fear of being a silver tongue. What if I read out Voldemort from the book. Books opened a magical world of tears and fantasy and sorrow. I would be in Hogwarts one day and could be the unlimited power of Matilda the next day. Today I would like to recommend the hobby of reading books to all my friends because it empowers you, broadens your thinking and sets the pulse raising.